Showing posts with label Web. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Evolution Science Standards

These Science standards are excellent. Everyone, please help vote for them. If this can be passed, it will be great!

New TalkOrigins Domain Name

For a while I was devastated, because the TalkOrigins archive went down. However, it is still available at:


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

5 Extremely Awesome webapps

Webapps are pretty awesome, even if they are a little slow.
Here are some of the best.

1. Google Calendar

Probably the best calendar application out there.

2. ZoHo Office Suite

A fully functional office alternative, online.

3. Aviary's Phoenix

Almost everything you'd expect in an Image editor. Plus, Aviary seems to be coming out with a heck of a lot more awesome apps.

4. Jumpcut

Online video editing and retouching.

5. Meebo

Chat using GTalk, Yahoo!, AIM, and MSN.